If you've read any Black Desert Online optimization guide, you may have come across something along the lines of "BDO doesn't like hyperthreading" but that's not it why I decided to switch from my 3400g.
It's just that I got tired of below 60fps gameplay. 😂 Anyway I decided to go with the 9400F because I didn't want to wait and save for an i5-9600K (I was planning for a 666 theme build with a 9600K, RTX 2060, and 2666mhz DDR4) but noooooo I wanted to jump the gun before COVID19 affected the prices (to it did but not dramatically).
For the motherboard, I decided to got with the B365 chipset instead of the H310 one because all the H310 boards available then didn't have heatsinks on the VRMs. I went specifically B365M-A Prime because it looked simple and doesn't have the obnoxious branding and heatsinks the available MSI boards had.

Pretty in Monochrome
Don't mind the AMD sticker on that Team Elite+ RAM. That Zotac graphics card has been with me since 2015. I was planning to buy a Zotac 760 or even 770 but all the models looked outlandish compared to this single fan 750ti. Powering this system is that EVGA BV-450 watts from my Ryzen 5 3400G. Oh? There's no SSD? Chill, it's part of the next post.
It took me this long to realize Arctic has included something like that in their tubes of MX-4 thermal paste..
I know I'm supposed to just use a pea-sized drop but an x-pattern does provide better coverage across the die.
The cpu cooler is a Gammaxx 300R. The R, by the way, stands for red. Interestingly, Deepcool took some years to make a blue variant.
For the case, I brought a used Aerocool V3X. I've always loved Aerocool cases, too bad their availability here in my town is shit. I spent close to 25 USD on paint for a 20 USD (I'm talking USD here because most of my readers are from the US) used case. Spent one can of primer and two cans of black spray paint.
Good thing there was no flat black available otherwise I wouldn't see this glorious shiny surface of just black spray paint. The spray paint brand I always use. RJ Acrylic Epoxy Spray Paint.
The seller actually included the original fans that came with this V3X. Of course I cleaned them up first because he didn't bother to clean them lol. It's missing a drive tray though which is sad considering I brought an 80mm fan for it (actually I brought 3 new fans because I though the case didn't have included fans)
The red and black aesthetic is old but really good.
First boot and without the side panel on, it's this cool.
The acrylic side panel is a bit banged up and it's also tinted to look like it's smoked. I actually like the smoked effect because the light doesn't go through brightly and doesn't cause glare like it would have if the panel was clear.
So how does Black Desert Online fare on this i5-9400f + 750ti systei? Well I fucked up and didn't manage to save my benchmark runs but it's between a Ryzen 5 3400G and a Ryzen 5 1600AE + RX 570. You can manage to run 60fps on this one but not all the time. You'll have to lower the graphics to medium preset.