Tuesday, September 29, 2015

WTF? Stumbling Upon /vg/ 's /evn/ threads.

How do I express the possessive form of a 4ch board?

So I stumbled upon the fact when I mistakenly went to /vg/ instead of /v/.  I was looking to boards to shitpost on after finding /r9k/ oddly uninteresting that day.  Btw, I use archive.moe since I can't access 4ch directly while I'm working.

I don't know what to feel.  I feel like half the anons there just shitpost around, while the other half actually offer advice.  Hue.  Some even claim to be dev (maybe they're legitimate) but I don't know. Anyway, I'll try to dedicate time to visit /vg/ when the office day is shitty as hell.

Maybe I'll post there one day.


I did.

I actually share the same views with some anons.  I guess they feel it too.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Fleet Rearmament and Modernization Report: Choukai Kai 2

While Maya mostly leveled up because of Operation SN.  Choukai was left to gather dust in the docks.  I had the chance to finally grind her to level 65.  In contrast to Maya, Choukai Kai 2 mainly carries surface combat equipment, like skilled lookouts, searchlight, and a Type 22 radar kai 4 (yes, 4) 

In queue for remodeling:  
Ayanami (70), Murakumo (70), Ushio (60) , Fusou and Yamashiro (80) 

If you have noticed, those DDs are Special Type Destroyers.  I guess I really just love them that much.  Mutsuki and Kisaragi are approaching 40 but I prefer to slowly level them via daily expedition. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Appreciating Destroyers

To give you a gist of things, let me tell you how many destroyers I have in my fleet right now:  16 Special Class, 9 Shiratsuyu Class, 3 Kagerou Class, 3 Mutsuki, 5 Asashio Class, Libeccio and Shimakaze.  That's 38 destroyer ship daughters.  Sixteen of them usually shuffle in between combat and expedition duties.  I usually deploy two to four destroyers per sortie regardless of map.  That's a fairly cheap deployment option right there and they do the usual jobs (2-2, 2-3, 2-5) stuff done.  I have mostly retained every destroyer I got since I started playing almost five months ago.  They're pretty much approaching level 40 now... with some, the kai 2 girls, over 60.   

Everyday, I alternately task daily quests to the Ayanami and Shiratsuyu girls.  In some cases, when the repair line is past two pages, I would start deploying the higher level DD's in my fleet.  

Usually happens when 2-2 and 2-3's a bitch.

Destroyers always try their best.  Shown here is my starter ship, Fubuki, in all of her 
Kai 2 glory. 

The usual morning expedition fleet composition.

In preparation for the next season, I'm readying Ayanami, Mutsuki, and Kisaragi (and maybe Murakumo).  Ayanami is especially vital because of her high luck and night fighting equips. 

I wish the devs would give another Fubuki class girl a Kai 2.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fleet Rearmament and Modernization Report: Maya Kai 2

Summer 2015 was hell.  Literally.  My sole AAA ship, Fubuki was overworked.  She was present on all stages where Wo were waiting.  I didn't get Terizuki  so I decided to go for Maya Kai 2.   I also recently got Akashi and so I was able to upgrade my sole Type 91 AAFD to Type 94.  Next up for Kai 2 is Choukai.  I have the tendency to deploy sister ships on the same fleet on the same time.  So ship daughters in their respective classes are usually, more or less, the same level. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

System Start!

Deactivated my Freelancer.com and DeviantArt accounts.  The reason behind the move is to centralize all updates/posts here where only a few can see them.  This blog aims to function both as a journal to my code's progress and the occasional shit-posting and rants. 

I will drop a trigger warning in advance because I tend to be outright outspoken and will speak right away without a second thought.  I'm particularly politically incorrect and I am not afraid to voice out my opinions.  But whatever our respective opinions may be, let's just respect each other... but let's not try to shut each other up, okay?